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Automotive Technical Theory Forum

Professional automotive forum for discussion of the theory of operation for any automotive system or component. Discussions include electrical and electronic theory, engine propulsion theory, fuel system theory, ignition systems theory, and much more. This forum is for experienced automotive repair professionals only, membership required.

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Recent Automotive Discussions in the Automotive Technical Theory Forum

Is it safe to store brake fluid in this pressure bleeder?
12/29/2024 in the Technical Theory Forum
All of the Ford trucks in my fleet use the same brake fluid, PM-20. This is the Snap On diaphragm type bleeder I use. Since the fluid is contained beneath the diaphragm and is not in contact with air, is it safe to store unused fluid in it between session...
Kubota Tractor Bent Rod
12/03/2024 in the Technical Theory Forum
A friend has a fairly new Kubota compact tractor, diesel powered. He reports that, after he did an oil change, the engine began smoking and running rough. The Kubota dealer diagnosed it as a bent connecting rod and is refusing to honor the warranty. Given...
11/09/2024 in the Technical Theory Forum
I'm going to have to think about this for sometime but it challenges what I thought I knew.

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