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Automotive Repair Shop Management Forum

Professional automotive forum for discussion of repair shop management, covered from all angles, including: managerial discussions, employee relations, training, shop advertising and marketing ideas, streamlining of the shop environment, legal issues related to owning and managing a repair shop, and more. Although this forum is heaviest with participation of shop owners and managers, you also gain insight from members with other backgrounds (technicians, government employees, marketing representatives, educators, and more). This forum is for experienced automotive repair professionals only, membership required.

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Recent Automotive Discussions in the Automotive Repair Shop Management Forum

Automotive training on line
01/18/2025 in the Shop Management Forum
I'm looking for some basic on line automotive training classes. I have two techs that need very basic training before I send them to any classes afar I'd like to get them some basics in as many areas as possible. Any sources you can recommend.
Garage keepers insurance
01/14/2025 in the Shop Management Forum
I feel I should shop around after having the same company 20 years. Got renewal notice from Traveler's and policy went up $800 with no claims. Maybe this is the norm now. Looking for names of companies to check into. Thanks in advance.
Parts Mark-up confusion
01/11/2025 in the Shop Management Forum
I was asked online why our industry is marking up parts. A lot of people are not in business for themselves and so I do understand where this question is coming from. It is a legitimate question and I was not "triggered" as a lot of folks nowadays are mor...
Switching From Flat Rate To Hourly
12/20/2024 in the Shop Management Forum
I am considering switching my techs from what they currently get now which is hourly plus flat rate to strictly hourly. I\'m noticing that some of my guys more than others are hurrying through jobs I\'m sure in an attempt to flag as many hours as the...
Technician Wage Theft Inquiry
12/17/2024 in the Shop Management Forum
Recently, I have fielded several calls from techs that work at dealerships that are either not being paid for the labor time that the dealer uses for the repairs, or they are being charged back labor time after the repair is complete. I don't know the who...

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