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International Automotive Technicians Network


Technical Assistance for Auto Pros

TechHelp is the heart of iATN: thousands of professional automotive technicians, from all over the world, helping each other with real-world automotive problems, 24 hours a day. A feed of some of the latest TechHelp requests is shown below. Inside the members-only area, your personalized TechHelp page is the central clearinghouse for all things related to TechHelp. You can open a new help request, update or close requests that you currently have open, add further comments to help requests you have closed in the past, help other members with their vehicle problems, update your TechHelp email subscription settings, view the current TechHelp stats for you and the rest of iATN, and more.

Latest TechHelp Activity

iATN members may view yesterday's automotive repair discussion on Asian, Chrysler, European, Ford, and GM vehicles, including this month's automotive discussion and top diagnostic trouble codes.

Recent Automotive Discussions in TechHelp

19 Toyota Avalon, Mechanical, transmission
01/17/2025 in the Asian Transmission Discussion
Hello Techs. I have this 2019 Avalon FWD that needs a transmission, I'm getting ready to swap out transmission. Book says remove engine/trans assembly together. I know Toyota always says remove motor/trans together to replace most stuff, always have found...
11 Audi A5 Quattro, Mechanical, Oil, Leakage
01/17/2025 in the European Engine Discussion
This car is leaking oil from all the usual places - except the rear main - despite my having installed a new (OE) oil separator and resealing the camshaft housing and installing a new upper front cover. The comedy of errors is too painful not to share, so...
16 BMW i3, Mechanical, range extender engine
01/17/2025 in the European Engine Discussion
Engine will run 5-10 seconds with scanner test. Codes are: Combustion misfire & Combustion quality too low cyl 1, 2. Engine will run if Throttle body unplugged. You will see TB not opened at all, you can hold it open and hear improvement. With engine off ...
19 Land Rover Range Rover Velar, Suspension, Suspension Compressor
01/17/2025 in the European Chassis Discussion
Hi ,, vehical came with suspension failure,the connector to the air copressor have no power, they are two wires, one black ,and a white one ,i have no power to the white one ,i check all 6 fuses boxes all are ok ,thank you for you help ,in this matter, ,,...
07 BMW X5, drivetrain, axle?, noise
01/16/2025 in the European Miscellaneous Discussion
This vehicle has a noise, similar to a backing plate. Only on acceleration, sometimes, it will make a loud click/snap type sound from right rear. I've taken the rear corner/brakes apart 3 times and see nothing. Do these have issues with driveshafts like o...

Example TechHelp Request

The example TechHelp request below highlights not only the original request, which included some waveforms posted by the member for extra detail on his issue, but also the related documents & media found on iATN, and our sister company Identifix's Direct-Hit product. Not shown in the screenshot are the replies received by the member on their help request, and the fix they posted describing how they solved the issue with the vehicle.


Using TechHelp

Although iATN TechHelp originally started back in 1995 as an email-only service, most members use TechHelp today via our website, where they have the ability to filter their view of TechHelp down to requests on very specific makes, models, and other keywords. In addition to the help requests, every member is able to read the final "fix" posted by the author. Premium (paid) members, as well as basic (free) members that regularly offer help to other members, are able to view all of the replies received on each TechHelp request. All of this information is searchable in the iATN Knowledge Base.

Many members use TechHelp not only to help others, but also to keep an eye on the interesting fixes that are posted each day. Subscribing to TechHelp by email is a great way to keep up-to-date on the latest issues facing your favorite carline.

TechHelp by Email

In addition to reading TechHelp via the web, you can subscribe to it via email. Once you join the network, you may begin receiving some TechHelp email help requests from other members, either in summary format (sent nightly), or via individual email requests. You may switch formats, choose a different email volume level (choices range from receiving 0 to 70 help requests per day), and choice of topics. TechHelp email is currently split up into 5 major topics (Asian, Chrysler, European, Ford, and GM), and 10 sub-topics (Body, Brakes, Chassis, Driveability, Electrical, Engine, HVAC, Misc., PowerTrain, and Transmission issues), providing 50 combinations for you to choose from. You can mix and match which topics you receive to focus on your specialties.

Note: To keep the quality of TechHelp requests at a high level, members are expected to offer help prior to asking for help, and members are limited in the number of help requests they can send each month.