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1994 Ford F-350 XL 7.3L Cuts out, MIL Lamp on
Posted to Ford Driveability on 9/11/2024 9 Replies

I can't seem to find a direction on this one. Engine starts and runs good. Get the engine warmed up and start giving it a decent load, you can start to hear a tone change in the engine with a noticeable power loss, then the check engine light comes on. Onc...

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car Vehicle Data

1994 Ford F-350 XL

Engine7.3 L / 8 cyl / DIESEL
Trans5-speed Standard
DeliveryFuel Injection / Turbo Direct Injection
SymptomsCuts Out, MIL Lamp On
OccursHot, Under Load, on Accel
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car Vehicle Data

1994 Ford F-350 XL

Engine7.3 L / 8 cyl / DIESEL
Trans5-speed Standard
DeliveryFuel Injection / Turbo Direct Injection
SymptomsCuts Out, MIL Lamp On
OccursHot, Under Load, on Accel