We wanted to provide an easy way for our members to share messages posted to iATN, while
keeping control in the hands of the author of each message. So while anyone can share any
message posted, unless the author has marked the message as "Publicly Visible," only iATN members
will be able to see the complete message in context, with all replies.
If the author turns on the "Publicly Visible" flag for a message they have authored,
it will show the entire message on the public side of iATN, rather than just the snippet view we show
by default. Authors also have the choice of whether or not they want their full name and signature
to be visible on the public version of the message. Both of these options are off by default, and
need to be explicitly enabled by authors.
And just to be clear, when an author chooses to make their work publicly visible, this does NOT
have any effect on any replies made to their message — only the authors of those replies have
the power to make their messages publicly visible.
With these new sharing features, it is easier than ever to share your message via email, Twitter,
Facebook, or anywhere else using the "autop.ro" shortlinks we provide when you click the share button.