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2009 Chrysler Sebring LX 2.4L Cluster, Engine, Starter,
Posted to Chrysler Electrical on 8/10/2022 8 Replies

i have a weird one the car will have a variety of issues when you turn the key to run the cluster waning lights will pulse and if you crank the car during this pulsing the starter pulses to. If you wait till the pulsing stops the car just cranks and wont r...

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car Vehicle Data

2009 Chrysler Sebring LX

VIN 1C3LC46B19
Engine2.4 L / 4 cyl / GAS
Trans4-speed Automatic (Electronic)
DeliveryFuel Injection
AffectedCluster, Engine, Starter,
ConditionsNo Start, Pulsing, Stalling
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car Vehicle Data

2009 Chrysler Sebring LX

VIN 1C3LC46B19
Engine2.4 L / 4 cyl / GAS
Trans4-speed Automatic (Electronic)
DeliveryFuel Injection
AffectedCluster, Engine, Starter,
ConditionsNo Start, Pulsing, Stalling