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International Automotive Technicians Network

Automotive Emissions Forum

Professional automotive forum for discussion of automotive emissions, on-board diagnostics (OBD2), and emissions testing programs around the world. The discussions often cover both the non-technical aspects (such as enforcement, automotive politics, and legal), as well as the technical aspects of emissions and emissions-related repairs, including the differences between vehicle certification and the various inspection and maintenance programs around the world. This forum is for experienced automotive repair professionals only, membership required.

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Recent Automotive Discussions in the Automotive Emissions Forum

California smog test
05/26/2024 in the Emissions Forum
Is California adding ADAS inspection as part of the new smog inspection program? Thank you in advance for your answers.
Junior colleges are once again offering update classes
03/28/2024 in the Emissions Forum
FYI: Here is a flyer from an instructor offering a smog update class at a junior college. I paid approx. $71 for this class. Instructor made it really easy too. [Smog update junior college].

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